Frequencies and Anecdotes
The latest versions of the CAFL and NCFL plus a few articles are available in a paperback book called The Electroherbalism Frequency Lists. Click here or on the bookcover picture below for details. Note that there is nothing in the book which is not also available in electronic format (for free) on this website.
A Note on the "The New CAFL" - Someone converted the CAFL for use on a function generator that is so inaccurate the frequencies are entered in KHz. This means that all frequencies are rounded to the nearest 10Hz. Which I don't mind a bit - the CAFL is open source and you can do with it what you want - but I do take offense to a list of rounded-off frequencies in KHz being called the CAFL since it can cause confusion to people with accurate function generators and other frequency devices where the frequencies are entered in Hertz (Hz). Note that all frequencies in the Real CAFL and most of the other frequency lists are in Hz unless otherwise noted.
Introduction to Frequencies and Anecdotes
The Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL) - The most popular file on this website. It is the Master List and probably the most-used reference for frequency researchers. If you have any well-tested frequency sets you would like to contribute to this ongoing project, please email
Non-Consolidated Frequency List (NCFL) - This contains separate lists of frequencies from many sources. It also contains 2 frequency lists that the CAFL does not incorporate - frequencies for muscles in the body and for chemical elements.
The All-Frequencies CAFL (AFCAFL) - Contributed by Roger Archibald based on his research, this list contains many updates to the original CAFL, and is considered experimental.
Frequency Cross Reference (CAFL XREF) - The CAFL Cross Reference which is Indexed by frequency and lists all the conditions for which the frequency is used.
The Eighty Year Enigma - Rife and Hoyland’s Frequencies Explained- (PDF) A Report by the British Rife Research Group from November 2016
James Bare's Harmonic Associations
Hulda Clark frequencies converted by the scalar octave method for use on audio range devices. Available in Excel or Word format.
F100 Frequency Files - Ready to load files of selected sets of frequencies from the CAFL for AtelierRobin function generators.
TrueRife Frequency files, Version 2008-11-28, developed by Michael Tigchelaar of for the F100 series of function generators when driving the TrueRife emem-type device. Zipped folder.
Rife MORs is a list of what are thought to be some of "Rife's original sine wave frequencies that were in use during several different time periods during his life."
Bruce Stenulson's Normalizing and Stimulating Frequencies
F-Scan Frequency Files. This is a file of CAFL frequencies converted into text form for use on the F-Scan 2. It includes an introduction and instructions on how to load them. There is also a link to download the text files in zipped format for loading onto the fscan. Thanks to Patricia (prettyclogger @ for providing these.
The FreX Database was developed by Ken Uzzell. As he describes it, "FreX is designed to be an educational entry point for scientists, researchers, homeopathic and naturopathic doctors, interested in evaluating Frequency Therapy." It is a free exe download on the website, and provides a PC interface to the CAFL frequency sets which are output to the computer's sound card.
Coded Function Generator Frequencies - There is a function generator decode list in the NCFL above, but this is the latest version, thanks to James L. Johnson. (PDF File)
Anecdotes These are files of posts to the Rife listservers where people reported results of using sets on Rife-Bare and other devices. If you have any anecdotes you'd like to contribute, good or bad, please email them
Reports are detailed Anecdotes. If you have any Reports you'd like to contribute, please email them.
Brainwave Frequency Listing - This is a list kept by Michael Triggs on the Lunar Sight website and contains an extensive listing of brainwave frequencies and others like colors, scale notes, plus a few rife frequencies. Colorful and well annotated. Read the introduction.
Harmonics and Heterodyning - A short article that explains some of the aspects of using square waves for frequency work.
Frequency Session Tools JPGs of a Session Log for use during frequency sessions and a Frequency Chart for manually designing and/or recording the frequencies in a bank.
Joel Mull has created some Youtube videos to show how to make a basic rife device, how to use GoldWave PC function generator, and produce frequency sets on CDs.